Dr. Dwi Martani

Universitas Indonesia – Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis – Ilmu Akuntansi

Siti Khomsatun

Sekolah Tinggi Ekonomi Islam (STEI) Tazkia

Dwi Martani

Universitas Indonesia


This research examines the effect of thin capitalization for Indonesia shariah stock index (ISSI) firms on tax avoindance. ISSI firms arerestricted in total debt bearing interest that not to exceed than 45% of total assets.The restriction has a consequence that ISSI firms don’t get tax shield from the debt. We used book tax different as a proxy for tax avoidance, debt intereset bearing for thin capitalization, and asset mix for capital intensity and inventory intensity. Based on 336 firms -years of manufacturing sector for 2011-2013, the result of the research shows that ISSI firms reduce the positive association both of total debt and assets mix on tax avoidance(BTD). The implication of the research is to show that thin capitalization could minimize the tax avoidance through debt bearing interest.

Keywords: Thin Capitalization, Asset Mix, Indonesia Sharia Stock Index (ISSI), Tax Avoidance, Book Tax Difference

ipresentasikan pada Simposium Nasional Akuntansi XVIII, di Universitas Sumateran Utara, Medan, 16 – 19 September 2015, Penyelenggara: FEB USU. Pengaruh Thin Capitalization…